Day of DH 2022

Day of DH 2022 will take place on April 28, 2022. Centers, researchers, teams, projects and individuals are encouraged to use the hashtags #DayofDH2022 or #DiversityinDH on Twitter or Instagram to share new ideas, methods, collaborations and everything else in the DH universe.

This year, digital humanists are encouraged to share with the global community more about the people behind DH projects, data, and collaborations, and to organize events that bring our local communities together across some or all of the following themes:

  • DH for society and humanity, e.g. data ethics

  • Applied and action-driven DH, and DH addressing the SDGs

  • Ideas, visions and ongoing work of DH to contribute to peace and post-crisis, e.g. COVID19 / health, war and migration scenarios

  • Multilinguality, representation and diversity in DH, esp DH and marginalized groups, people, etc.

  • Diversity of DH methods, tools, and infrastructures

  • Rural versus urban environments, speculative and surrogate digital spaces

  • DH for justice, e.g. anticolonial, feminist, queer, and abolitionist DH

  • Disciplinary diversity of people or international collaborative teams

  • DH for climate actions and anthropocene archives, biodiversity, cultural and linguistic diversity

  • DH for data science, high-performance computing, and data curation

  • DH for wearable and minimal computing

  • Diversity of DH working scenarios, your workplace, your career opportunities and academic relations

  • Collaborative, participatory, crowd-based and cross-sectoral DH, e.g. citizen science and DH

  • Call for expertise, collaboration, trainings, mutual growth and learning opportunities

Tyne Daile Sumner

Cultural Data Research Fellow


Cultural Analytics: Workshop


Urgent Histories